Solar Photography
Picture of the Day
Crepuscular Explosion courtesy Frank Cordoba
Links to other Pictures of the Day, SOHO and TRACE imagery, and transit photos.
Solar Images and Video
 "A Solar Prominence"
 "A Perfect Solar Storm"
© 2006.
Credit and copyright Greg Piepol. Used with permission.
The History of Solar Photography
Photography and astronomy have been inseparable ever since the Daguerre
process was presented by scientist Dominique Francois Jean Arago to the French
Academy, l'Academie Francaise, in 1839. It is difficult to take photographs in the dark
on insensitive plates, so the early results were poor.
Excerpt from Kirit J. Sheth's book "Imaging and Astronomy". Used with permission.
Photo Gallery
Photograph by Vincent Chan

and Understanding the Analemma
by Anthony Ayiomamitis
you looked at the Sun at the same time each day, from the same
place, would it appear at the same location in the sky? If the
Earth were not tilted, and if its orbit around the Sun were perfectly
circular, then, yes, it would. However, a combination of the Earth's
23.5 degree tilt and its slightly elliptical orbit combine to
generate this figure "8" pattern of where the Sun would
appear at the same time throughout the year. The pattern is called
an analemma. Read
Golden Gate Sunrise

Golden Gate Sunset

Image Credits: Romeo Durscher