About Us

"Each one has the right to share in the knowledge and understanding which society provides." -- Albert Einstein, 1936

Our Science Team | Our Goals | Our Staff | Awards | Credits and Copyrights

Center of our solar system, giver of light and energy, our star, the Sun, sustains all life on Earth. From time immemorial, mankind has venerated the Sun, fascinated by the dazzling star that orders our world.

The Stanford Solar Center is dedicated to sharing the joy and excitement of solar science exploration. Acting as the education and public outreach arm of the Solar Observatories Group, and funded by NASA, the Solar Center provides resources, activities, and projects relating to the Sun for teachers, students, and the public.

Our award-winning Solar Center website, targeted at 4th-12th grade students and science teachers, provides inquiry-based activities and a broad range of information relating to the Sun. Solar art, folklore, music, literature, and archaeoastronomy complement our scientific information and offer intriguing multidisciplinary "hooks" into solar study.

A key project of the Center has been the distribution of space weather monitoring instruments throughout the world during the United Nation's International Heliophysical Year and also the UN's International Space Weather Initiative. See The Space Weather Monitor Program.

The Solar Center also enables educator workshops, science displays at public events, science demonstrations at local schools, curricula materials for teachers, as well as partnerships with science museums, observatories, and planetariums.

Our Goals

SOLAR Center Staff

Contact Information

Stanford SOLAR Center
Stanford University
452 Lomita Mall
Stanford, California 94305-4085 USA
Phone: 1 - 650 - 723-1495
EMail: sol-ctr@quake.stanford.edu
URL: https://solar-center.stanford.edu/