Project conception and direction was by Deborah Scherrer
Web design and development
- Deborah Scherrer
- Monica Bobra
- Hilda Bisangwa
- Amara Graps
- Anna Kosovicheva
- Paul J. Mortfield
- Hao Thai
- Scott Winegarden
Medicine Wheel section development
- Deborah Scherrer, Project design, development, and coordination
- Troy Cline , NASA/GSFC, primary banner design
- Sarah Gregory, layout and secondary banner design
- Shannon Lee , research and text development
- Philip Scherrer, Keyhole tour development
- Scott Winegarden, sunrise animations
Special thanks to Google, and Jack Veenstra, for
providing us with a copy of Keyhole.
Image credits are given on each page along with the imagery.
Scientific review and feedback
- Todd Hoeksema
- Phil Scherrer
- John Beck
- Leif Svalgaard
- Bala Poduval
- Unless otherwise noted, the activities were developed by Deborah Scherrer, and tested with various teams of
Host Site
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), whose images and videos are featured prominently
on this website,
consists of 3 scientific instruments:
Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) -
Built by Lockheed Martin Solar and Astrophysics Laboratory
Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment
(EVE) - Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics
Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)
Stanford University
Many images in the website are from the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).
SOHO is a mission of international cooperation between ESA (the European
Space Agency) and NASA.
Funding Agencies
Development of the Solar Center has been supported financially at
Stanford University by the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) through Grant NAG5-3077.
This grant supports Mission Operations and
Data Analysis of the Solar Oscillations Investigation Michelson Doppler
Imager instrument on the SOlar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO).
Portions of the work were also supported by the National Science Foundation
through grant ATM-9400298 to Stanford University.
Image Credits
- The main website page design was courtesy of Hilda Bisangwa.
The stunning image of the solar corona used in the background was
taken during the 2008 total eclipse and is
copyright 2008 by Miloslav Druckmuller, Peter Aniol, Vojtech Ruzin.
Reproduced with permission.
- Imagery credits for the Solar Art section and the Medicine Wheel section are given along
with the imagery on the various pages.
- Home page images: Solar Center logo by Bayard ("Butch") Colyear of
the Stanford Visual Arts group. Aurora photo by David Fritts, Poker
Flat Research Center, Alaska. Very Large Array radio telescope photo by
Deborah Scherrer, used with permission. Colorful Sun thumbnails from the
EIT instrument on the SOHO spacecraft. The image of Stanford
was taken by Phillip Rittmuller, an engineer at the Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, Pasadena, CA. The combination image of a solar flare
with an oscillation model superimposed was developed by Bala
The NASA and NSF logos belong to their respective agencies.
Many of the solar images were produced by the various
instrument teams on the SOHO spacecraft.
Use of SOHO images for public education efforts and non-commercial
purposes is strongly encouraged and requires
no expressed authorization. It is requested, however, that any
such use properly attributes the source of the images as:
"Courtesy of SOHO/(instrument name) consortium.
SOHO is a project of international cooperation
between ESA and NASA."
- The magnetograms are from the MDI instrument on the SOHO
spacecraft. The MDI instrument was designed and built by
the Solar Observatories Group at Stanford University
and the Lockheed-Martin Palo Alto Research Laboratory.
SOI-MDI images are available for reproduction for educational, news, and
informational purposes, as long as the following citation is given:
"Image(s) courtesy of the SOHO/SOI-MDI project of the Stanford Lockheed
Institute for Space Research. SOHO is a project of international
cooperation between ESA and NASA."
- The solar x-ray images are from the Yohkoh mission of ISAS, Japan.
The Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope is a collaborative
project of the Lockheed Palo Alto Research
Laboratory, the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, and the
University of Tokyo, supported by NASA and ISAS.
- The Greek analemma photographs are copyright 2001-2004, Anthony Ayiomamitis ( All rights reserved. Used with permission.
- The active sun magnetogram courtesy of Jack Harvey, National
Solar Observatories, NOAO.
- The animated rotating sun and animated solar art courtesy of
David Hathaway, Marshall Space Flight Center.
- The red solar loop image couresty of the St. Andrews Solar Group,
The black hole signature spectrum and description were created with
support to Space Telescope Science Institute,
operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy,
Inc., from NASA contract
NAS5-26555, and are reproduced with permission from AURA/STScI.
Digital renditions of images produced by AURA/STScI are
obtainable royalty-free for educational and non-profit use.
- The solar eclipse icon is from the High Altitude Observatory, NCAR,
Boulder, CO.
- The beautiful background for the Native American folklore pages
was created by Brad Snowder of the
Western Washington University Planetarium .
Many of the Native American stories are from
Starlore of Native America site.
Used with permission.
- The raven image on some of the Native American folklore pages is actually a head-dress.
The body is leather (or some kind of
fabric) and serves as a hat. The wings fold down over the wearer's ears, and
the tail folds back over one's neck. The beak protrudes from one's
The artifact was produced by the Haida tribe of the Pacific Northwest. It is
owned by the Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian
Institutes. Washington D.C. The photographer is Don Eiler.
The source for this info is:
"Native American Arts and Crafts." Colin F. Taylor Ph.D et al. Salamander
Books Ltd. 1995. London, page 98.
- A few of the nifty little sun and star icons are courtesy of
Randy D. Ralph's
Copyrights & Permitted Uses
Many of the solar images were produced by the various
instrument teams on NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)
and NASA/ESA's SOHO spacecraft.
Use of SDO and SOHO images for public education efforts and non-commercial
purposes is strongly encouraged and requires
no expressed authorization. It is requested, however, that any
such use properly attributes the source of the images as:
"Courtesy of NASA SDO/(instrument name)" or
"Courtesy of SOHO/(instrument name) consortium. SOHO is a project of international cooperation
between ESA and NASA."
Images owned by individual photographers and artists are so noted on the pages
where they appear. These images may be Copyright © with all rights reserved
of the creator. If you wish to use them, contact the individual
All images and text not credited otherwise are Copyright (c) 1996-2023
by the Stanford SOLAR Center, Solar Observatories Group, Stanford University,
CA. All rights reserved. Reproduction of SDO, SOHO, NASA, and Solar Center
owned images is permitted and strongly encouraged for educational purposes as long as
credit is given to the the appropriate sources.
For information about the use of copyrighted material, see:
Copyright Law Materials
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