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Solar Astronomy Resources

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Solar Research and Observatories Space Weather, Climate, and Biosphere



Frequently Asked Questions about Astronomy and Astronomers

Fun Astronomy Sites
  • 88 Constellations Solitaire Game
    Need help learning your constellations? Try this online solitaire game. It's ad-free and free to play. Great fun!
  • Space Solitaire-Heroes of Space & Flight
    For another fun and relaxing game activity, try Space Solitaire - an online special edition that features historical facts on everyone from the Wright Brothers to Laika the Dog to Sally Ride, and more! It's educational and a fun entertainment source for space and aviation lovers. And it's completely free!
  • Astronomy and Space related Learning Games
    "Here are some space games you can share with your kids to help them learn space vocabulary and facts about the solar system, galaxy, and universe(s?) beyond Earth."


Databases, Astronomical Catalogs, Star Maps, and More

Resources Suggested by Students
  • Explore STEM Adventures on Your Next Cruise: A Must-Read for Science and Math Enthusiasts
    "Science, technology, engineering, and math really do go hand-in-hand with fun. And a cruise is the perfect way to open your mind to learning." On a seagoing vacation, the whole family can particiate in STEM adventures such as astronomy nights, stargazing, interactive astronomy sessions, and special events like eclipses! Thanks to Kelly for finding this resource - I hope she gets to go on a cruise!
  • Astronomy Resources for Kids
    "The universe is a wonderful way to spark curiosity and foster a love of science in children. This site provides a list of interactive games, educational tools, virtual observatories, and quizzes to turn any moment into a chance for discovery." This resource was suggested by Cassie, who is working on earning her Space Science Resesarch badge in the Girls Scouts. Thanks, Cassie, and good luck with your badge!
  • All About Famous Astronaut Neil Armstrong
    Learn all about Neil Armstrong, the first human to walk on the Moon! "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind." This resource was also suggested by Cassie. Again, thanks, Cassie!
  • Navigating the Stars: A Young Learner's Guide to Astronomy
    A very fine introduction to astronomy for young people. It "serves as a compass to understand the vast realm of astronomy, lead you through the cosmos, enhance your understanding of the world, and inspire you to discover your place within this universe." This great adventure was suggested to us by Ada. Thanks, Ada!
  • How AI is Revolutionizing Space Travel
    AI, or Artificial Intelligence, is revolutionizing data analysis, deep space imaging, and is rapidly expanding our understanding of the cosmos. Read more about this interesting field in this article. And much thanks to student Hayes for letting us know out this resource!
  • Starry Surveillance - Unlocking Cosmic Secrets with Security Cameras
    "Historically, security cameras have stalwartly safeguarded homes and businesses for property protection. Yet, their innovative application in astronomy reveals untapped potential. Unlike telescopes, which are often costly and require specialized expertise to operate, security cameras offer a cost-effective and accessible alternative. Their pervasiveness means they can be employed as a group for wider coverage. This expands the reach of astronomical observation to urban and suburban areas previously overlooked by traditional observatories." Christopher pointed out this resource to us. Thanks, Christopher!
  • Telecommunications satellites and space exploration
    Telecommunications satellites have become essential tools that not only allow us to communicate and broadcast information to anywhere in the world, but also collect data for scientific research. In fact, "the history of satellite communication is inextricably linked to the history of space exploration." Find out more about their role in space exploration by reading this interesting resource pointed out to us by Corrine. Thanks, Corrine!
  • Space Elevators and Astronomy
    A Space Elevator is a proposed type of Earth-to-space transportation system, often depicted in science fiction. It would be a cable anchored to the surface and extending into space. A cabin would ride up and down the cable, taking humans, supplies, and even satellites to space above the Earth. Thanks to Cora G. for suggesting this resource!
  • SkyView, NASA's High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Center
    "SkyView is the Virtual Observatory on the Net generating images of any part of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from Radio to Gamma-Ray." Start at the Non-Astronomer Page to learn how to use the system.
  • Astronomy in Media
    "An article that dives into the relationship between film and science. Every aspect of space and astronomy combines to form the backbone of sci-fi, influencing this genre's narratives, aesthetics, and impact on us as an audience. 'Astronomy in Media' unveils how space exploration has impacted the media, showcases famous astronauts and astronomers, and breaks down some of the best astronomy-related movies and TV shows." Thank you to Hailey Tanner for suggesting this resource!
  • The Role of Data Science in Astronomy and Interstellar Exploration
    Data science, the study of data to extract meaningful insights for organizations, is making a meaningful contribution to space technology. "Being able to gather, understand, and use lots of data has helped us get to know the universe better and has changed how we explore and move through space. This website examines how important data science is in space technology and how it is changing our journey into space." Thanks to Amelia for letting us know of this resource!
  • Sleeping Under Stars & Planets
    There are "countless stars, eight recognized planets, and many other smaller planetary bodies, including comets, asteroids, and dwarf planets [that] make up what we know to be our solar system". This extensive list of resources provides an introduction to our night sky and what we are able to see. Thanks to Maria for pointing out this resource!

Organizations and Journals

Science Museums
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