For centuries,
humans have attempted to explain the Sun in terms of their own worldviews.
The Sun can be a god, a demon, a mischievous spirit, an omnipotent
creator or a ruthless taker of life. Whatever role it plays, most
cultures have recognized the significance of the Sun as prime controller
of all life on Earth.
As you read
these, remember they were not stories created to entertain, nor
were they written for children. These myths, legends and accounts
represent their culture's worldview, a peoples' attempt to explain,
understand, and come to grips with nature's phenomena. To the people
who tell them, these reports are as relevant and true, as deeply
meaningful and spiritually important, as any scientific explanations.
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Indigenous American
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Indigenous Australian / Aborigine
No one knows
what the earliest humans thought about the sky, for no records exist.
However, the cultures of the Australian Aborigines, which have been
passed down via legends, songs, and dances for more than 40,000
years, give us a glimpse of how these earliest known astronomers
may have interpreted the Sun and stars.
The Indigenous
people of Australia, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders,
represent the world's oldest and most long-lived cultures,
a heritage
rich in wisdom and insight.
Before European intrusion, indigenous peoples inhabited most
areas of the Australian continent.
With more than 700 separate languages, distinctive lifestyles, and
religious and cultural traditions in different regions, these adaptable and creative
peoples had complex social systems with highly developed traditions
reflecting their deep connection with the land and environment.
Their view of the cosmos is based on their
concept of the Dreaming -- a distance past when the Spirit Ancestors
created the world. Aboriginal songs, dances, and tales convey how,
long ago, the Spirit Ancestors created the natural world and entwined
the people into a close interrelationship with nature and the sky.
For more information see the Australian Museum's website
Indigenous Australia.
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Other Cultures
Greece and Rome
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Sun is a mass of fiery stone, a little larger than Greece."
--Anaxagoras 434 BC
your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."
--Maori proverb
"The Universe is populated by innumerable suns, innumerable
and perhaps, innumerable forms of life. That thought expresses
essence of the Copernican revolution. No revelation more
striking has
ever come from the scientific mind." --Robert Jastrow
"To the best of our knowledge, our Sun is the only
star proven to grow
vegetables." --Philip Scherrer 1973
"The purpose of life is the investigation of the
Sun, the Moon, and the
heavens." --Anaxagoras 459 BC
"The cosmos is all there is, all there ever was,
and all there ever
will be." --Carl Sagan
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raven image on some of the Native American folklore
pages is actually a head-dress. The body is leather
(or some kind of fabric) and serves as a hat. The
wings fold down over the wearer's ears, and the tail
folds back over one's neck. The beak protrudes from
one's forehead. The artifact was produced by the Haida
tribe of the Pacific Northwest. It is owned by the
Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Natural
History, Smithsonian Institutes. Washington D.C. The
photographer is Don Eiler. The source for this info
is: "Native American Arts and Crafts." Colin
F. Taylor Ph.D et al. Salamander Books Ltd. 1995.
London, page 98.
image from, an authorized associate of

in the 31 January 2005 issue of,
a daily, online magazine that presents fun, educational topics
for parents and children to discuss during their family dinner.