One Who Walks All Over the Sky


Title: Walks All Over the Sky
Tribe: Tsimshian
Region: Pacific Northwest
Object: Sun, Moon, Stars

Back when the sky was completely dark there was a chief with two sons, a younger son, One Who Walks All Over the Sky, and an older son, Walking About Early. The younger son was sad to see the sky always so dark so he made a mask out of wood and pitch (the Sun) and lit it on fire. Each day he travels across the sky. At night he sleeps below the horizon and when he snores sparks fly from the mask and make the stars. The older brother became jealous. To impress their father he smeared fat and charcoal on his face (the Moon) and makes his own path across the sky.


Background was created by Brad Snowder of the Western Washington University Planetarium .

Legend from Starlore of Native America, assembled by Brad Snowder. Used with permission.

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