Artist's Statement
by Thomas Lindsey
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![solarworks model](/art/solarworks/images/Untitled-9_sm.jpg)
There is
no more pressing issue regarding planet Earth than global warming.
Every day we hear more reports about the dire consequences we
face as a global community if we fail to recognize the causes,
and fail to fully focus our creative intellect to bring about
effective solutions. Many in the scientific community believe
we have very little time left to effect the welling momentum
for warming that has been building over the past century. Many
believe we have already passed the tipping point and have entered
into the process of Earth's degradation even, as we ponder the
complex ramifications as average temperatures continue their
gradual rise.
interest as an artist is to figure out how to incorporate this
subject into my work, and how to integrate my concern with the
physical and spiritual health of both the planet and humanity
as a whole. We, after all, are a product of Earth processes, or
more specifically, a product of the relationship between the Earth
and the Sun. Tracing back to the origins of life, we have emerged
only very recently as a conscious species able to communicate,
create and imagine. We are, in very real terms, the Earth's consciousness
because we are undeniably inseparable. I therefore propose that
we have a story to define us, our emergent relationship, that
can and must be incorporated into our cultural fabric. If we don't
soon come to terms with our shared heritage, life as we know and
imagine it to be will undergo dramatic and drastic shifts.
have been developing a series of ideas for site-specific installations
entitled SOLARWORKS: Proposals for Solar Meditation Gardens.
The formative ideas for these works were initially inspired by
sculptor Dale Eldred and his focus on the poetic dynamic he envisioned
within the rhythms of nature, the interplay of sunlight with the
movement of the planet. I was so impressed with an installation
Dale did at the Nelson Atkins Art Gallery in Kansas City in 1979
entitled Sun Structures + Time Incident. The power and
perception of this celebration of light and process was truly
inspiring. Through a series of mirrored light transmissions and
reflections Eldred was able to direct sunlight from a mile away
into the gallery onto a large raised dais in the center of the
gallery floor. The surface of the dais was covered with a material
called prismatic diffraction grating. When struck by full spectrum
light from the Sun, this grating glows prismatic(as it's name
implies) in riotous hues of primary rainbow colors that are quite
animated, slowly moving and undulating across the surface. The
viewer, standing in the darkened gallery with the dais radiating
these beautiful colors, becomes aware that her or she is actually
witnessing is the result of the Earth revolving on it's axis as
the colors dance and undulate. Imagine incorporating the entire
Earth and it's relationship to the Sun into a sculptural installation;
giving the viewer the opportunity to be made aware of this intimate
relationship that has fostered life eventuating in the consciousness
that perceives it. In my mind Eldred was one of the 20th
century's most visionary artists.
utilizes arrays of photovoltaic solar cells to transform photons
(little packets of energy) from the Sun into an electromotive
force to activate both a kinetic element within the installation
(cone, wheel, drum) as well as a soundwork, presenting the viewer/listener
with evidence of the bio-spiritual relationship between the Earth
and Sun. The premise here is that Sun and Earth are 'bonded' and
that life has arisen on this particular place in the Universe
because of 'emergent principals'. These principals are organized
in such a way as to provide a vastly complicated set of conditions
for the evolution of primordial organisms that eventually results
in a self-aware consciousness; that, after 3.4 billion years one
species becomes aware and begins to contemplate it's origins.
(The Sun, of course, makes life possible and, in a very real
sense, we are all made out of sunlight; all the plants we eat
(photosynthesis), the animals we eat that eat plants; the stored
solar energy released when we burn wood which is then released
as heat energy, petroleum products which is ancient biomass that
is stored energy from the sun from 400 million years ago and now
a limited and quickly diminishing resource). In short, the
SOLARWORKS ideas are about the dynamic processes that have given
rise to human consciousness.
used to say that the most incomprehensible thing about the Universe
is that it is comprehensible. It is an old riddle: What is it
about the human mind that so resonates with the rest of the
Universe that we are able to understand anything about nature
on the largest scale? It is a philosophical question, I suppose,
but science has been able to provide us with a little bit of
the answer. When we look at subatomic particles and we look
at stars and galaxies we see evidence from every direction that
the Universe is all of a piece and that it began as a single
seed smaller than an atom and in a very real sense you and I
were there. Every scrap of matter in our blood and in the synapses
of our thoughts traces its lineage back to the origin of the
Universe. The natural laws that fragmented and mutated as the
young Universe expanded and cooled continue to operate today
in the beating of our hearts as well as in the trajectories
of the stars. As the Koran puts it, 'The Universe is as close
as the veins in our necks.'
Timothy Ferris, The Creation of the Universe
theorists propose that the Universe is emergent process.
That is to say that there are specific organizing principles at
work that ultimately lay down the matrix for life to arise on
the planet. "Emergence is 'something special' arising from
the system, such as the phenomenon of life emerging at the level
of the primal cell, as language emerging at the level of the human
being, and the capacity to build space ships emerging at the level
of the large science-technology task group." (Stan Rowe) Within
the very core of that 'single seed' some 13.4 billion years ago
and at that very instance of creation there is the 'potential'
for life eventuating in consciousness and emergent awareness.
If the mind can wrap itself around the idea, it is a fact that
every atom in our body compresses back to that zero point. Then
the Universe inflates and expands, and stars and galaxies come
to form. As Carl Sagan was fond of saying, "We are stardust".
We are intimately related to the 100 billion visible stars (+/-)
of our galaxy and the 200 billion (+) visible galaxies in the
Universe, possibly less than 10% of all matter by some estimates.
I would like to express/communicate through this body of work
is the idea that humanity must come to the realization that we
are inseparable from the very Earth/Universe that gave us birth.
We have arrived at a point in cultural history where humanity
has become an extinction event as profound as any asteroid or
comet smacking into the planet. Our actions through ignorance
and environmental disregard are endangering the wellbeing of the
entire ecosphere in which life has arisen (Jame's Lovelock's Gaia
theory). Richard Leaky, Thomas Berry and many others now propose
the 'sixth extinction' or Bill McKibben 'The End of Nature',
Al Gore, 'An Inconvenient Truth' and most recently dire
forecasts found in Lovelock's 'The Revenge of Gaia' . Our
creativity is the ultimate expression of humankind's conscious
awareness and our deepest connection to the emergent processes
of the Earth and Universe.
ultimate SOLARWORKS installation would constitute a meditation
garden or a kind of contemporary sacred
space/shrine where the viewer could come to contemplate/honor/celebrate
the experience of his or her particular sense of relationship
of immanence. The slowly rotating wheel/cone/drum draws on the
symbolic metaphor of the Buddhist prayer (mani) wheel so that,
in motion, the kinetic rotation becomes the focal point or mantra
whose activity draws the attention of the participant/viewer and
relates to the foundational connection to the greater whole. The
unfolding prayer of this kinetic element is for gratitude, compassionate
awareness, and for a creative ecocentric ethic that provides a
new and emerging bases for valuing the natural Earth, it's systems,
processes and unfoldings,along with the recognition of the ecosphere
as a vital and life sustaining system. The rotational momentum
could also be seen as the rhythm of nature, emergent processes,
unfolding of time and space, fecundity, cycles, periods, vibrations,
waves, pulses, oscillations, orbits, fluctuations, all reflecting
the dynamic interaction within the system of self-organizing complexity.
My use of the prayer wheel metaphor here is not necessarily intended
to represent Buddhist symbolism but rather the universal complexity
of emergent interplay of the countless cycles and rhythms found
in nature, this ongoing and deep mysteriously woven warp and weft,
the flowing processes so interdependent and so ultimately sacred
from which our consciousness emerged.
might also consider the act of prayer/meditation in light of the
dilemma of the current challenges to our Earth system. This vast
and complex web of life is extremely periled. The questions being:
Do we have anything but a prayer to rectify the damage done? Are
we capable of bringing our creative focus to bear on the immense
solutions that will be required and necessary to slow the destructive
momentum we have created?
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Credits: All images courtesy of Thomas Lindsey.