Space Weather Monitors- Stanford SOLAR Center

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SID Space Weather Monitors

Distributing space weather monitoring instruments and educational materials worldwide for IHY 2007: The AWESOME and SID project Deborah Scherrer, Morris Cohen, Todd Hoeksema, Umran Inan, Ray Mitchell, and Philip Scherrer; Advances in Space Research (COSPAR), Volume 42, Issue 11, 1 December 2008, Pages 1777-1785.

Ionospheric flare detection using Raspberry Pi Mardina Abdullah, Kok Beng Gan, Sabirin Abdullah, Badariah Bais, Rosadah Abd Majid ANGKASA Institute of Space Science, Malaysia

Development of Very Low Freequency Data Acquiition System using Raspberry Pi Teddy Surya GunAwan, Mira Kartiwi, Syed Nasibur Rahman, Eko Ihsanto

Pulsations in the Earth's Lower Ionosphere Synchronized with Solar Flare Emmission Laura A. Hayes, Peter T. Gallagher, Joseph McCauley, Brian R. Dennis, Jack Ireland, Andrew Inglis Trinity College Dublin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, ADNET Systems, The Catgholic Univerity of America

Ranking of Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances by Means of the Duration of Vlf Perturbed Signal in Agreement with Satellite X-Ray Flux Classification Ahmed Ammar, Hassen Ghalila, Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Atomique, Moleculaire et Applications (LSAMA), University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia; Acta Geophysica, Vol 64 Issue 6 (Dec 2016)

Development of UKN-SID teaching module for space science education Mardina Abdullah, Badariah Bais, Alina Marie Hasbi, Rosadah Abd Majid, Baharudin Yatim, Mohd Alauddin Mohd Ali, Siti Aminah Bashari, Noridawaty Mat Daud, Mohd Hezri Mokhtar, Ahmad Faizal Mohd Zain, Mhd Fairos Asillam

Space Weather Innovation Competition for School Students in Malaysia Mardina Abdullah, Siti Aminah Bahari, Badariah Bais, Aline Marie Hasbi, RosadehAbd Majid, MohdHezri Moktar,Nor Syaidah

Development of TNU-SuperSID Teaching Module for Observing the Effects of Solar Activities on the Lower Ionosphere Le Min Tan, Tay Nguyen University, Vietnam

Tracking Solar Flares Using the Super SID Monitor K.A.J. Gbadegesin, Gbenga Adesunloro, Federal Polytechnic, Nigeria

Frequency-Agile Distributed-Sensor System (FADSS) Deployment in the Western United States: VLF Results D. D. Rice, J. V. Eccles, J. J. Sojka, J. W. Raitt

Characterizing the Lower Ionosphere with a Space-Weather-Aware Receiver Matrix D.D. Rice, R.D. Hunsucker, J.V. Eccles, J.J. Soyka, J.W. Raitt, J.J. Brady URSI Radio Science Bulletin, March (#328) 2009.

The Use of Raspberry Pi and High Resolution Sound Card for Very Low Frequency Signal Detection Syahril Amir Mohd, Kok Ben Gan, Sabirin Abdullah, Mardina Abdullah Proceedings of the 2019 6th International Conference on Space Science and Communication (IconSpace), 28-30 July 2019, Johor Bahru, Malaysia

AWESOME Instruments

Field Strength Measurement of VLF Radio Wave Propagation at 19.8 kHz between Australia and India Chandrakant More, A. K. Sharma, R. V. Bhonsle, Kenneth J. W. Lynn; Proceedings of the 10th Australian Space Science Conference, 27-30 September 2010. ISBN 13:978-0-9775740-4-9

Cohen, M. B., U. S. Inan, E. W. Paschal (2010), Sensitive broadband ELF/VLF radio reception with the AWESOME instrument, IEEE Trans. Geosc. Remote Sensing, Vol 48, Issue 1, Pages 3-17, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2009.2028334.

Harriman, S. K.*, E. W. Paschal, U. S. Inan (2010), Magnetic Sensor Design for Femtotesla Low-Frequency Signals, IEEE Trans. Geosc. Remote Sensing, Vol 48, Issue 1, Pages 396-402, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2009.2027694. Paper

Student Research

Arun Sharma, Alabama A&M

Project Highlights

Project SIMONE (Solar & Ionospheric - MOnitoring NEtwork), at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Gymnasium in bergen/Rugen, Germany. Karl-Heinz Eckelt, translated by Volker Bothmer and Barbara Bernert

Science Research

Sushanta K. Mondal, Sujay Pal, Arnab Sen, Mahbub Rahaman, Subrata K. Midya "Long-lasting disturbances in the mid-latitude sub-ionospheric VLF radio signals due to the super geomagnetic storm of 17 March 2015", 2021. Preprint

Cohen, Morris, along with Phil Scherrer, Deborah Scherrer, Umran Inan, Ray Mitchell, Justin Tan; "Stanford VLF Remote Sensing -- Science, Engineering, Educational Outreach;" presentation to technical staff at Goddard Space Flight Center, 17 March 2005. Abstract | Presentation (PowerPoint)

Inan, U.; M. Cohen, P. H. Scherrer, D. Scherrer VLF Remote Sensing of the Lower Ionosphere: Solar Flares, Electron Precipitation, Sprites, and Giant g-ray Flares Presentation (PowerPoint)

Kawahira, Kolji The D region winter anomaly at high and middle latitudes induced by planetary waves (pdf)

Khanal, Sharad, "The Effect of Solar Flares on the VLF Radio Waves Transmitted in the Ionosphere"; presentation to Stanford Applied Physics Department; Summer 2004. Presentation (PowerPoint)

Khanal, Sharad,"The Effect of Solar Flares on the VLF Radio Waves Transmitted in the Ionosphere"; a written report to accompany the PowerPoint presentation above. The Effect of Solar Flares on the VLF Radio Waves Transmitted in the Ionosphere (Word document)

Lu, Szu-chiech and Mattieu Evans, "Sources of Noise: SID Monitor"; a PowerPoint presentation about interference signatures in SID data. Presentation (PowerPoint)

Mitchell, Ray, "Sudden Ionosphere Disturbance Monitoring", presentation to Hayward Amateur Radio Club (HRO) ~August 20th, 2004. Hayward, CA Presentation (PowerPoint)

Mitchell, Ray, "Sudden Ionosphere Disturbance Monitoring", presentation to Society of Amateur Radio Operators (SARO) May 21, 2005; Livermore, CA.

Mitchell, Ray, "The Stanford Solar SID Project", table presentation and display at the Chabot Space and Science Center, Oakland, CA; Sun-Earth Day 20 March 2005.

Mitchell, Ray, D. Scherrer, B. Clark, R. Styner, S. Fotrell, T. Dave, S. Lee, P. Scherrer, S. Winegarden "The Sun-Earth Connection: How Ionospheric Monitoring can Engage and Inspire Students in Science and Engineering;" poster, AGU Fall 2005 Abstract | Poster

Mitchell, Ray, Shannon Lee, "The Stanford Solar SID Project", table presentation and display at Cal State University Hayward/East Bay Science Festival. 16 April 2005. Abstract

Paska, Victor Umran Inan, Timothy Bell, Sprites as evidence of vertical gravity wave structures above mesoscale thunderstorms" (pdf)

Scherrer, Deborah, "The International Heliphysical Year, 2007 -- A proposal for collaboration"; presentation to the IEEE Computer Society Education Board and Technical Activities Board, 9 June 2005; Long Beach, CA. Presentation (PowerPoint)

Scherrer, Deborah K., "Using Solar Science to Inspire: The Education and Public Outreach Projects of the HMI Instrument on NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)"; poster AGU 2005 Joint Assembly; 23-27 May 2005; New Orleans, LA Abstract | Poster (PowerPoint)

Scherrer, Deborah, Benjamin Burress "Space Weather Monitors -- Preparing to Distribute Scientific Devices and Classroom Materials Worldwide for the IHY 2007 " Poster; AGU Spring Conference, May 2006, Baltimore, MD Session U04: International Science Years on the the 50th Anniversary of the IGY: eGY, IHY, IPY, and Planet Earth Abstract | Poster

Scherrer, Deborah, M.C. Rabello-Soares, C. Morrow, The Space Weather Monitor Project: Bringing hands-on science to students of the developing world for the IHY2007." Proceedings IAU Symposium No. SPS5, 2007. Paper

Scherrer, Deborah, Morris Cohen, Ray Mitchell, Students Monitor Solar Disturbances to Earth's Ionosphere -- A Potential Educational Project for the International Heliophysical Year" Poster; IAGA Conference, 22 July 2005, Toulouse, France; Session GAIV05: International Heliophysical Year: A program of global research Abstract | Poster

Scherrer, Deborah, Roberta Johnson, Ramon Lopez, Pat Reiff, Marius Schamschula, "CISM Space Weather Professional Development -- Highlighting the Space Weather Monitor Program " Poster; NSF/CISM Site Visit, 13 June 2005, Boston, MA; Poster | Background Presentation (not given)

Scherrer, Deborah, Ray Mitchell, Morris Cohen, "Connecting the Earth to the Sun: Students Monitor Solar Disturbances to Earth's Ionosphere"; poster presentation at North American IHY Community Science Planning Workshop, Boulder, CO; 16-18 Feb, 2005. Abstract | Poster

Scherrer, Deborah, R. Mitchell. M. Cohen, W. Clark, R. Styner, A. Roche, P. Scherrer, U. Inan, S. Lee, S. Winegarden, J. Tan, S. Khanal "Space Weather Monitors -- A Global Education and Small Instruments Program for the IHY 2007;" poster, AGU Fall 2005 Abstract | Poster

Scherrer, Deborah, Ray Mitchell, William Clark, Richard Styner, Philip Scherrer, Umran Inan, Morris Cohen, Justin Tan, Shannon Lee, Sharad Khanal, Scott Winegarden, Paul Mortfield; "Designing Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance Monitors -- a Unique Collaboration Between Scientists and Educators"; Presentation at AGU 2005 Joint Assembly 23-27 May 2005, New Orleans, LA Abstract | Presentation (Powerpoint)

Scherrer, Deborah, Ray Mitchell, Morris Cohen; "Adapting Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance (SID) Monitors for Educational Use"; Poster presented at the 94th Spring Meeting of the American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO), March 20 - 26, 2005 Las Cruces, New Mexico Poster

SID poster at
AAVSO workshop

Sharma, A.K., C.T. More "Diurnal Variation of VLF Radio Wave Signal Strength at 19.8 and 24 kHz Received at Khatav India "; Research and Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology, Vol 6 #2 Paper (pdf)

Sharma, A.K., C.T. More "Effect of Solar X-ray Flares on VLF Radio Wave Signal Strength at 19.8 and 24 kHz Received at Khatav India "; Research and Reviews: Journal of Space Science & Technology, Vol 6 #3 Paper (pdf)

Tan, Justin, M. Cohen, U. S. Inan, P. H. Scherrer, D. Scherrer "VLF Remote Sensing of the Lower Ionosphere: Solar Flares, Electron Precipitation, Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances, Sprites, Gravity Waves and Gamma-ray Flares;" presentation, AGU Fall 2005

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