Sun Track Diorama
![solar season model](images/diorama2-sm.jpg)
Photo and Native American design by Ginger Armstrong
Model of the tracks of the Sun at the equinoxes and solstices,
developed by Deborah Scherrer. Instructions
My program was a guided walk through the park
and the topic was the winter solstice. ... I copied a diorama
used by Dr. and Mrs. Scherrer during the training that demonstrated
the sun's position in the sky at different times of the year.
This became my most effective teaching tool. Everyone loved
the diorama!" Cidney Webster, National Park Service
Foamboard and Pebble Medicine Wheel Model
![foam board and pebble Medicine Wheel model](images/cssc-bighorn-sm.gif)
Photo by Ben Buress, Chabot Space and Science Center
A foamboard and pebble model of the Bighorn Medicine Wheel,
developed by Shannon Lee from Dr. Jack Eddy's diagram.
You can design this for yourself!
Schoolyard Medicine Wheel
![schoolyard medicine
Build a Schoolyard Medicine Wheel
Designed by the Chabot Space and Science Center, you can make a schoolyard "medicine wheel" with sidewalk chalk oon
playground asphalt.
Reasons for the Seasons
![National Geographic activitiy](images/National-Geographic-29091.jpg)
The Reasons for the Seasons
A National Geographic activity to use a piece of round fruit and a flashlight to investigate the Sun'sintesity on
the surface of the Earth.
A Large and Elaborate Sun Wheel at UMass
Photograph by Judy Young
Professor Judith S. Young at the University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, has built a standing-stones based medicine wheel on
the university campus. See
What is a Sunwheel?
A Medicine Wheel at Marcus Whitman High School in Rushville, NY
Photo taken by Al Suffredini
A medicine wheel 28 feet in diameter, constructed by Pete
Saracino and John Fiori, teachers at Marcus Whitman High School
in Rushville, New York.
Featured on Earth
Science Picture of the Day
VCSU's Medicine Wheel
Dr. Joe Stickler at the Department of Science, Valley City State
University in Valley City, ND and his 1992 Astronomy class built
their own medicine wheel. See
Valley City State University Medicine Wheel