Christopher Reynolds and Urrealism
Many cultures do not separate their spiritual, psychological,
artistic and "scientific" thinkings.
There is always a "Spirit of the Times" that
influences the creations and perceptions of a culture.
This means that, for any given cultural time and place,
one finds a remarkable similarity between what creators in all fields are
finding and doing. We can think of this as the guiding
or living mythology of the culture, and it affects the way its
people create their art, music, science, and worldviews.
When the Copernican revolution removed Earth from the center of the universe,
this concept repeated itself in many fields of human endeavor.
The realization that is slowly
dawning and repeating itself through our modern cultures now
is the knowledge that even the Sun is in an orbit
around a center of more than 100 billion suns.
Through expanding our vision, we learn there is more than one
way of knowing and expressing truth.
The shift from an absolute conception of truth to the realization of
many conceptions of truth is echoed by Christopher Reynolds
and other creative individuals who call themselves urrealists (something like an updated
version of Surrealism).
"We consider the cosmos and all that is in it to be a work of art. Urrealist practice deepens the
experience of the natural world and we find this pleroma is just as much a form of inspiration and
language as the art of humanity."
Listen to Christopher Reynolds' cosmology- and solar-symbolism music, and read more
about the urrealist thoughts at
"What has gently guided our entire history,
the history of our sun,
is a tremendous light of lights.
The center is just beyond our perception.
When we see through
what separates us from the center,
we catch a new glimpse
of what has always been and what is.
This center reminds us of how precious and small we are.
It calls us to reverence for life."
Bell Star Labyrinth