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patchwork Sun showing various colors    Teaching Moon Phases


  Summary of Activity:
Here we have several hands-on activities to teach the causes of Moon phases. Each activity can be used stand-alone, in or outside the classroom, with students or adults.

We also provide a Powerpoint presentation and extensive teacher guide on how to use Active Engagement to teach and learn Moon phases. The presentation was initially developed as a hands-on high school teacher workshop to be given in Developing Nations where new teaching methodology might not always be known.

The bulk of the activities relate to modeling Moon phases as a part of teaching and learning them. The Teacher Guide includes extensive commentary for most slides as well as complete instructions for doing the various activities.

Teaching Moon Phase Activity (pdf)
Drive-by Science Moon Phase Activity (pdf)
Teaching Moon Phases through Active Engagement - Presentation (pptx)
Teachers Guide to Teaching Moon Phases Through Active Engagement (pdf)

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