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Cohen, Morris, along with Phil Scherrer, Deborah Scherrer, Umran Inan, Ray Mitchell, Justin Tan; "Stanford VLF Remote Sensing -- Science, Engineering, Educational Outreach;" presentation to technical staff at Goddard Space Flight Center, 17 March 2005.

Two Stanford University research groups have been collaborating on the development of receivers for ionospheric remote sensing. The VLF group, headed by Umran Inan, investigates electromagnetic effects in the ionosphere and the magnetosphere. The Solar Observatories Group, led by Philip Scherrer, studies helioseismology by observing sound wave propogations through the solar interior. An educational grant from NSF, through their Center for Space Weather Modeling (CISM), plus some additional funding from NASA, has enabled funding of these sudden ionospheric disturbance monitors for educational use. Together, the two groups have collaborated on production of two versions of VLS receivers. The first, known as SID, is an exceptionally low-cost, easy-to-build version for wider distribution. The second, AWESOME, is a research-quality, specialized version for selected sites of scientific importance. When distributed to high schools and colleges across the country, these systems will serve the dual purpose of providing a great tool for space and earth physics education, as well as providing many new sets of data for the Stanford researchers to utilize in their studies. An AWESOME receiver will soon be running at Goddard. Morris Cohen, a PhD candidate studying under Professor Inan, will outline the wide scientific applications of VLF receivers, discuss their construction, and overview the broader educational outreach program.

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