02 July 2001Solar activity remains low. See the EIT solar activity page for information onflares from this weekend:

03 July 2001There are still quite a few sunspots on the disk despite the low solar activity. Pleasesee:


06 July 2001There is a large coronal hole in the north, please see the latest EIT 195 Angstrom image:


09 July 2001Solar activity has picked up again, reaching C level flares. Please see the latest Space Weather:


10 July 2001Solar activity is low again, despite the fair number of CME's yesterday and today see by EIT:


11 July 2001There is a possible, small sigmoid seen in the EIT 195 Angstrom images:

It is located between the two active regions near disk center and at the end of the filamentchannel.

16 July 2001There was a small M class flare this morning, please see the latest space weather:

The flare came from region 9539 in the south west:

18 July 2001There are quite a few sunspots in the disk despite the low solar activity:


19 July 2001There was a solar flare this morning from AR9537 ~10:00 UT:

It was also seen in the latest EIT 195 Angstrom movie:

20 July 2001Solar activity has dropped back down to B level flares again:


23 July 2001A huge halo CME early this morning was likely responsible for disrupting EIT and LASCO observations for several hours (00:54 - 10:27 UT).However, flare activity is expected to be low, and the eastern half of theSun looks pretty bare, with not much coming over the limb -- please see


25 July 2001 Solar activity has continued to be quiet, with a GOES background less than mid-B level, with a single C1-class event from active region 9543. Please see


26 July 2001 There is a small active region (NOAA AR 9553) near central meridian, centeredin the MDI high resolution field of view, which has grown over the last few days.

See http://mdisas.nascom.nasa.gov/gif_summary/mag/smdi_maglc_re_20010726_0914.gif.