02 Apr 2001      There have been several M class flares over the weekend, however, this morning, there weretwo X class flares. Please see the EIT activity page:

05 Apr 2001      There was a large M flare from a new AR on the disk that just came over the east limb. Pleasesee the most recent image from Yohkoh to see AR 9418:


06 Apr 2001      There was an M5 flare yesterday from AR 9415 which was associated with a full 360 degreehalo CME. See the LASCO page for movies of the event:


09 Apr 2001      There were several CME's over the weekend, take a look at the EIT activity page for details:


10 Apr 2001      There was an X2 flare this morning from AR 9415, it is just below the MDI high resolutionfield of view, see the latest continuum image:

Check out the latest movies for TRACE to get an close-up of the flare:

12 Apr 2001      There was another X2 flare this morning from AR 9415 very much like the one from10 Apr 2001. Please see the latest Space Weather plot to compare the two flares:


13 Apr 2001      Solar activity has decreased again, going back down to the B class flare level, see thelatest spaceweather page:


20 Apr 2001      AR 9433, once the large, active AR 9393 has rotated over the east limb, please seethe latest MDI continuum image:


25 Apr 2001      There have been several M class flares this week from AR 9433, see the latest SpaceWeather plot from the past couple of days:


30 Apr 2001      Solar activity has dropped down to C class flares:
