02 Jan 2001      MDI is in the high resolution field of view today looking at AR 9285, please see:

03 Jan 2001      There was a nice filament eruption in the EIT 304 Angstrom image this morning at 09:24 UTfrom AR 9289.

04 Jan 2001      There is a nice coronal hole south of the MDI high resolution field of view that has a tinypore in the middle of it, please see the lates EIT 195 Angstrom image on the SOHO homepage:


05 Jan 2001      The sun is pretty quiet, although EIT did observe some CME's today:


08 Jan 2001      There was a nice eruptive prominence seen in the EIT 195 Angstrom movies from 7 Jan 20001.Please see the latest SOHO movies to see the prominence lift off from the north west limb:

http://sohowww.nascom.nasa.gov/ Click on latest images.

09 Jan 2001      There was a very nice filament eruption seen in EIT's 304 Angstrom movie on the south west limb:


10 Jan 2001      There was an M3 flare this morning at 10:24 UT from AR9302.

11 Jan 2001      There is a nice trail of sunspots entering the MDI high resolution field of view today, MDIwill be switching from full disk mode to high resolution mode today to observe these spots:


12 Jan 2001      Solar activity continues to be very low, please see the Space Weather Page for the latestnews on Solar Activity:


17 Jan 2001      The sun is pretty quiet after the SOHO ESR. There were a few CME's seen by EIT in 195 Angstroms.Please see the latest EIT movies:


18 Jan 2001      There was an interesting dark region on the SE limb this morning according to the EIT Solar ActivityPage:

Check out the latest 195 Angstrom EIT images to see the phenonemon on the SOHO webpage:

22 Jan 2001      There was a big M flare on Saturday from the active region in the south heading for central meridian

23 Jan 2001      There was a filament eruption this morning near the active region in the southeast

24 Jan 2001      There was a CME from the southwest this morning

25 Jan 2001      Yesterday SOHOs 292nd comet was discovered in LASCO C3 data.

26 Jan 2001      There was a CME from the west limb today. See this LASCO image:


29 Jan 2001      Yesterday there was a flare and halo CME from an active region near the west limb

30 Jan 2001      There was a CME from the west limb this morning

31 Jan 2001      There was a front from the northeast this morning