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Scherrer, Deborah K., "Using Solar Science to Inspire: The Education and Public Outreach Projects of the HMI Instrument on NASA's Solar Dynamic Observatory (SDO)"; poster AGU 2005 Joint Assembly; 23-27 May 2005; New Orleans, LASolar exploration inspires students and the public to gain a better understanding of the Sun's role in the Earth's environment. New solar discoveries also inspire innovative educational efforts to communicate the results of these explorations. We will describe the EPO plans of the HMI instrument on board NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory, to be launched in 2008. Our program addresses aspects of formal education, informal education, and public outreach. Projects include a high-school-appropriate Sudden Ionospheric Disturbance Monitor that tracks solar-induced changes in the Earth's ionosphere, a student Science Fellow program being developed in collaboration with the HMI and AIA team and Stanford's Haas Center for Public Service, a unique new collaboration with NASA's Challenger Learning Centers, development of a new solar program for portable planetaria -- including dome projection imagery, and a planned StarDate radio series. [an error occurred while processing the directive]