Make Your Own Spectroscope

An Outreach Project of the
Stanford SOLAR Center


John Beck, Paul Mortfield
Stanford SOLAR Center
HEPL-B208, Stanford University
Stanford, California, USA, 94305-4085


  • 11"x17" spectroscope template sheet
  • 11"x17" black card stock (regular bristol/poster board - you can get from a drug store or art supply store.  Nothing fancy here)
  • Diffraction Grating

  • Edmund Scientific 609-573-6250
    Catalog # F39502 $23.60 (pkg of 25)
    Catalog # F50183 $58.00 (pkg of 80)


  • Scissors
  • Straight Edge (used to bend cardboard - straight table edges will work)
  • Clear Tape
  • Glue Stick

  • Instructions:

    Body of Spectroscope

    1. BEFORE GLUING: Cut out Scale from template
    2. Glue the template onto the piece of black cardboard and let dry.
    3. Write you name in the appropriate spot to identify YOUR spectroscope.
    4. Cut along the solid lines to separate the four pieces of the spectroscope: the spectroscope body,  the scale cover,  the slit half, and the eyepiece.  Keep the pieces marked "spacer" for later use. ********************************
    5. Cut out the 8 notches from the spectroscope body. Be sure to cut the notch up to the dashed line but not beyond. The notches are used to help fold the spectroscope body correctly.
    6. Cut out the circular hole in the eyepiece.
    7. With the template side up, fold down along all of the dashed lines on the spectroscope body there are 12 folds). It is important to make crisp folds along the dashed lines so the spectroscope is light-tight. Use a ruler or the edge of a table to guide the folds. If the cardboard is very thick, score the cardboard side with the scissors before folding. Position a ruler on the cardboard side of each dashed line and run one blade of the scissors along the ruler to score the cardboard.
    8. Close the spectroscope body by folding Flap 'A' over Flap 'B'. Make sure that the corners are lined up properly and tape the long flaps. Be sure to tape the flaps near both ends and in the middle.
    9. Hold the spectroscope looking at the narrow end. Fold down the small flaps to form a square. Take care to make the flaps as square as possible and tape down all four corners. Place tape on diagonally across each corner.
    10. At the wide end of the spectroscope, fold down the three small flaps to form 3 sides of a square and tape the two corners of the double-walled side as done at the narrow end.
    11. fold down the small flap at the opposite side of the wide end of the spectroscope, then fold down the two long flaps so that the longest flap is on top. While making sure the 3 sides are square as possible, tape down the corners between the long flaps and short flap.
    12. Make sure the vertical edge of the longer flap is straight and clean. If it is uneven, trim it slightly.
    13. Hold down the longer flap so it bends along the spectroscope body. Tape it to the top and bottom of the spectroscope on both sides of the dashed line. DO NOT PUT TAPE ALONG THE VERTICAL EDGES.
    Slit, Grating and Eyepiece
    1. Place the slit half next to the vertical edge of the long flap. Slip the pieces of cardboard marked "spacer" between the rectangle and flap edge to produce a slit about 1/16 inch wide. When the rectangle is in place, tape down a top and bottom. DO NOT ALLOW TAPE TO COVER THE SLIT. This is how light gets into the spectroscope.
    2. Holding the diffraction grating by the cardboard frame, position it over the square opening at the narrow end of the scope. Make sure the "WARNING" is visible at the bottom. Apply tape to the cardboard frame to fasten the grating onto the spectroscope. DO NOT PLACE TAPE OVER THE GRATING. DO NOT TOUCH THE GRATING.
    3. Place the square eyepiece over the grating so the hole is centered over the grating AND the warning is visible at the bottom. Tape the eyepiece onto the spectroscope. [Note: This eyepiece protects the grating so only a small part of it is exposed.]
    Spectrum Scale and Calibration
    1. Take the Spectrum Scale (a piece of black paper with white numbers on it) and place it over the rectangular window next to the spectroscope slit.
    2. Point the slit of the spectroscope at a fluorescent light and look through the eyepiece AT THE SCALE. You should see a number of colored lines. These are the spectral lines from the fluorescent tube. This will demonstrate that your spectroscope is working!
    3. To CALIBRATE the scope, slide the scale until the dotted vertical line (at 5450 on the scale) is lined up with the GREEN line of the spectrum from the fluorescent light. Apply a piece of tape to secure the scale in this position (It may be easier if you have someone else apply the tape while you hold the scale in place). After the scale is fixed in the right position, tape down all four edges of the scale.
    4. Position the scale cover on the outside of the box to completely cover the scale. Apply a piece of tape along the top of the rectangle to act as a hinged door. This will darken the scale cover to make the fainter spectral lines visible: lift it to read the scale.