Space Weather Monitors- Stanford SOLAR Center

Obtaining Space Weather Monitors

The original SIDs and the improved SuperSID instruments were initially developed and distributed by the Stanford Solar Center. Currently, the Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers (SARA) is partnering with the Solar Center to provide the SuperSID instruments. To request an application for a monitor, complete the form at: SARA SuperSID

In addition, there are two versions of the software for supporting the instruments. The original is still available from the Stanford Solar Center SID website. However, this is an older version which has not been maintained. The current and best software was developed by Steve Berl. You can download this from Steve's version has many improvements which enable it to run on Mac OSX, Linux, or Windows. We highly recommend this version.

We sincerely thank both the SARA group and Steve Berl for their tremendous work and support of the SID Monitor project!

There are many people involved with this project, and willing to help. The best place to ask questions is the email group at This is the primary resource for communcations among supersid users and developers. We highly recommend signing up as a member.

©2008-2024 by Stanford SOLAR Center