Aimee A. Norton, Ph.D.

Latest Intensity Image

Latest Intensity Image

The Helioseismic Magnetic Imager (HMI) is an instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) Spacecraft. It is a NASA funded telescope that observes the full-disk of the Sun in the 617.3 nanometer Fe-I wavelength to determine the intensity, Doppler velocity and the magnetic field in the solar photosphere. These images are the most recent, up-to-date images of our Star as observed by HMI. The dark patches in the left image correspond to sunspots and strong magnetic fields. The colored regions in the image to the right corresponds to the polarity and strength of the magnetic fields in the solar photosphere.

Email: aanorton at


  • Ph.D. Physics and Astronomy, University of California Los Angeles
  • M.S. Physics and Astronomy, University of California Los Angeles
  • B.S. Nuclear Engineering, Cum Laude, Texas A&M
  • Research and Teaching

  • Senior Research Scientist, Stanford University, 2012 - present
  • Astronomer, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia 2009-2012
  • Assistant Astronomer, National Solar Observatory, Arizona, 2006-2009
  • Postdoc, High Altitude Observatory, NCAR, Colorado, 2001-2006
  • Postdoc, Stanford University, California, 1999-2001
  • Nuclear Medicine Technician, Washington State Health Lab, Washington 1992-1993
  • Undergraduate Research Assistant, Los Alamos National Lab, Summers 1988-1991
  • Main Research Interests

  • Sun's Magnetic Fields
  • Sunspots
  • Solar Dynamo
  • Space-based Telescope Design
  • Select Publications

  • Norton, A.A., Jones, E.H., Linton, M.G., Leake, J.L., 2016, "Rates of Magnetic Flux Emergence for Preceder and Follower Sunspots in Active Regions Observed with HMI", Astrophysical Journal, submitted
  • Couvidat, S., Schou, J., Hoeksema, J.T., Bogart, R.S., Bush, R.I., Duvall, T.L., Liu Y., Norton, A.A., Scherrer, P.H., 2016, "Observables Processing for the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager Instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory", Solar Physics [ADS]
  • Arden, W.M., Norton, A.A., Sun, X., Zhao, X., 2016, "Comparison of Coronal Extrapolation Methods for Cycle 24 Using HMI Data", Astrophysical Journal, 823, 21 [ADS]
  • Jaeggli, S.A., Norton, A.A., 2016, "The Magnetic Classification of Solar Active Regions 1992-2015", Astrophysical Journal, 820, L11 [ADS]
  • McClintock, B.H., Norton, A.A., 2016, "Tilt Angle and Footpoint Separation of Small and Large Bipolar Sunspot Regions Observed with HMI", Astrophysical Journal, 818, 7 [ADS]
  • Hathaway, D.H., Teil, T., Norton, A.A., Kitiashvili, I., 2015, "The Sun's Photospheric Convection Spectrum", Astrophysical Journal, 811, 105, [ADS]
  • Fisher, Abbett, Bercik, Cazachenko, Lynch, Welsch, Hoeksema, Hayashi, Liu, Norton, Dalda, Sun, DeRosa, Cheung, 2015 "CGEM: Using HMI Data to Model the Buildup of Free Magnetic Energy in the Solar Corona", Space Weather, 13, 369 [ADS]
  • Hayashi, K., Hoeksema, J.T., Liu, Y., Bobra, M.G., Sun, X.D., Norton, A.A., 2015, "The HMI Vector Magnetic Field Pipeline: MHD Simulation Module for the Global Solar Corona", Solar Physics, 290, 1507 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Charbonneau, P., Passos, D., 2014, "Hemispheric Coupling: Comparing Dynamo Simulations and Observations", Space Science Reviews, 186, 251 [ADS]
  • Broomhall, A.-M., Chatterjee, P., Howe, R., Norton, A.A., Thompson, M.J., 2014, "The Sun's Interior Structure and Dynamics, and the Solar Cycle", Space Science Reviews, 186, 191 [ADS]
  • Pevtsov, A.A., Berger, M.A., Nindos, A., Norton, A.A., van Driel-Gesztelyi, L, 2014, "Magnetic Helicity, Tilt and Twist", Space Science Reviews, 186, 285 [ADS]
  • McClintock, B.H., Norton, A.A., Li, J., 2014, "Re-examining Sunspot Tilt Angle to Include Anti-Hale Statistics", Astrophysical Journal, 797, 130 [ADS]
  • Arden, W.M., Norton, A.A., Sun, X., 2014, "A 'breathing' source surface for cycles 23 and 24", JGR Space Phys, 119, 1476 [ADS]
  • Hoeksema, J.T, et al., 2014, "Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) Vector Magnetic Field Pipeline", Solar Physics, 289,3483 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., et al., 2013, "How much more can sunspots tell us about the solar dynamo?", IAU Symposium, 294, 25 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Jones, E.H., Liu, Y., 2013, "How do the magnetic field strengths of sunspots vary over the solar cycle?", Journal of Physics Conf Ser., 440, 1, id:012038 [ADS]
  • McClintock, B.H., Norton, A.A., 2013, "Recovering Joy's Law as a Function of Solar Cycle, Hemisphere, and Longitude", Solar Physics, 287, 15 [ADS]
  • Vieira, L., Norton A., Dudok de Wit, T., Kretzschmar, M., Schimdt, G., Cheung, M.C.M., 2012, "How the inclination of Earth's orbit affects incoming solar irradiance", Geophys Research Letters, 39 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Gallagher, J.C., 2010, "Solar Cycle Characteristics Examined in Separate Hemispheres", Solar Physics, 261, 193 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Raouafi, N.E., Petrie, G.J.D., 2008, "The Tilted Solar Dipole as Observed and Modeled during the 1996 Solar Minimum", Astophysical Journal, 682, 1306 [ADS]
  • Raouafi, N.E., Petrie, G.J.D., Norton, A.A., Henney, C.J., Solanki, S.K., 2008, "Evidence for Polar Jets as Precursors of Polar Plume Formation", Astophysical Journal, 682L, 137 [ADS]
  • Socas-Navarro, H., Norton, A.A., 2007, "The Solar Oxygen Crisis: Probably Not the Last Word", Astrophysical Journal, 660, L153 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., et al. 2006, "Spectral Line Selection for HMI", Solar Physics, 239, 69 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Gilman, P.A.. 2005, "Recovering Solar Toroidal Field Dynamics from Sunspot Location Patterns", Astrophysical Journal, 630, 1194 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Gilman, P.A.. 2004, "Magnetic Field-Minimum Intensity Correlation in Sunspots: A Tool for Solar Dynamo Diagnostics", Astrophysical Journal, 603, 348 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Settele, A, 2003, "Acceleration Effects in MDI Magnetogram Data", Solar Physics, 214, 227 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Uitenbroek, H., 2002, "Observing MHD oscillations: the effects of vertical magnetic gradients and thermodynamic fluctuations", SOLMAG, IAU Collaoquium 188, 281 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Ulrich, R.K., Liu, Y., 2001, "Center to Limb Angle Dependence of Phases (v, δ|B|)", Astrophysical Journal, 561, 435 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Ulrich, R.K., 2000, "Magnetic Oscillations in the Solar Photosphere: Observations with MDI, ASP and MWO", Solar Physics, 192, 403 [ADS]
  • Norton, A.A., Ulrich, R.K., Bush, R.I., Tarbell, T.D., 1999, "Characteristics of MHD Oscillations Observed with MDI", Astrophysical Journal, 518, L123 [ADS]
  • Poetry (my hobby)

  • Guest poet in "Laboratorio" edited by Simon Barraclough and published by Sidekick Books: Laboratorio and Sample Poems
  • Chapbook published by Drunken Boat: Permissions, 2013
  • Poem in Leviathan: A Journal of Melville Studies Building My Boat from Kindling
  • Code Poetry published by Really Systems: Apache Code Errors
  • More poetry at Really Systems: No Sin Like Arson
  • Geospatial Poetry at Cascadia Chronicle: Earthquake Preparedness
  • 4 Poems in Softblow: 4 Poems in Softblow
  • Many Mountains Moving Finalist: In the Name of Cleanliness